Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Process and progress....

Something what we called it realistic is more happens and in a daily life, it such as a routin.....
The routin is set by behaviour not by the plan or something we figure up then do it...
Animals also have their daily business like we are human. But sometimes if we exaggerate all these thing the total of that is more dynamic by the process and the progress that aimed are archive....

What i like about exaggerate is the simple manner can we use to know our abilities created by the Lord.
So the way to get closer to self and the creator is concern and care about our abilities. And also the engine or "computer" serve in our head can operate mostly around 60 70 years...
Is that the amazing things we have..?

So if we have that completely running, why not to use that to do the great kind things...stop hurting anybody and accept all the wrong thing we done and make it better....If we are not so smart, accept it's true and the right things we must read and do it to get smart....that is process and progress till dead...any creation in this world must through the life..If we get trouble we've solution....fuhhhh Thankful my lord...

Alhamdulillah..... =)


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